Willow Birdfeeder
A few years back we asked Hanna van Aelst to work on a design for a bird-feeder in woven willow. The result was this light teardrop shaped bird feeder which is perfect for feeding smaller birds. They can perch on the wicker and peck food from between the gaps in the basketry as well as from the bigger openings.
It can be filled with nuts and seeds in Summer when they have extra mouths to feed or with fat balls during winter to help them fatten up against the cold. Birdwatch Ireland has a handy fact sheet with advice on what and when to feed to keep. Hang near shrubs or shelter for small birds to retreat to in a quiet sheltered spot where birds aren’t scared away by noise or activity. You can feed birds all year round, it’s recommended.
*The bird feeders are very tricky to make. Because of this, Hanna has shared her design with another highly skilled weaver, Diane Carton of Saille Baskets in Co, Cork makes a small batch for us every other month, using her own harvested willow and style of weaving.
As each feeder is handmade, the bark colours of the willow will differ on each.
Approx 15cm at widest point and about 30cm tall including hanging loop.
Willow is a fast-growing, sustainable material due to its carbon sequestration, making it a carbon sink.
When kept dry, willow vessels will last a lifetime, but are completely biodegradable when returned to the earth.
Willow varieties produce a wonderful range of natural colours and shapes and sizes of rods. The different varieties offer endless possibilities to produce beautiful work, making use of the colour from shades of green, brown, beige and warm umbers.
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